Back in the saddle again

Life throws us curve balls. Unexpected events and opportunities can get us off track, but this isn’t a failure. It’s part of the journey. We can’t let getting bucked off the horse keep us down. We have to hop back up, brush the dust off, and get back in that saddle again. And Dammit! No crying.

I was recently fortunate enough to have the opportunity to travel almost 4000 miles away from home and to spend almost a month working in a critical access hospital in what must be some of the most beautiful country on earth. It took almost a year of planning and it seemed at times as if it might not work out. Persistence on both ends paid off, and in the end, all of our efforts finally came to fruition.

I went looking for perspective. I think that pretty much everyone alive has found themselves in a rut at some time or another. You settle into a routine, blink, and before you know it years have passed. If we don’t make time to reflect on the direction of our life and make adjustments periodically, it is as if we are driving along in one of those new fangled driverless vehicles. We may get there alive or we may go careening off a cliff (like Toonces the Driving Cat). We have to find the sweet spot between kismet and self determination. We need to find a way to let life happen but also not be swept out to sea by every changing of the tide.

When your computer or phone or whatever electronic device you may be trying to use isn’t working right, what is the first thing that you do? I obviously mean after the cussing and either banging it on something or hitting it. Do you turn it off and hope that when you turn it back on it resets? People need a reset too sometimes. Shut down., rest, re-equilibrate and reboot. This opportunity doesn’t always present itself easily. You have realize that you need it and to take it.

I returned with a more clear vision. For a new business. For a new series of adventures. For life. Balancing wanderlust, a desire for family-focused, home-based living and dragging that ball-and-chain of a full time job seems impossible. Maybe it isn’t after all. My experience gave me an idea and a new hope.

Of course, upon my return I was immediately had to pay the piper. I was immersed in a hectic schedule. That’s the way it goes.

Life has happened and I have gotten off track with my master schedule of sharing (left eye twitching). Barring additional derailments, there will be more to follow in the coming weeks. So much to share, so little time.

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”

- Will Rogers

“Sit tall in the saddle and hold your head up high.

Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky,

and live like you ain’t afraid to die.

And don’t be scared.

Just enjoy the ride”

- Chris LeDoux

“The grace of God is found between the saddle and the ground.”

- Irish proverb


The Bastard Refugee Carnivore Experience: Phase 1


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