Subpoenas and Unexpected Opportunities

“You’ve had this for a week and I’m just now being told about it?” I was pissed annoyed. I wasn’t angry. I could have been. I should have been. But I wasn’t. Learned helplessness I believe they call it. I have been conditioned during my years as an employed surgeon to expect things like this. How can you get a subpoena with my name on it and inform folks in administration but completely neglect to tell me about it? Especially when I live hours away and am supposed to be off (on vacation, in fact) during the time in question? Administration gets a “heads up” and I get one week of notice to change my plans and be back in town or face the consequences? Would I have to walk the plank? Or face a firing squad? Best not to challenge fate. The wording on the document said that I was “commanded” to show up in court at the designated date and time. How could I turn down such a flowery invitation?

I have also learned over the years that glitches in the plan can be unforeseen opportunities. A trauma surgeon’s testimony is sometimes required. It comes with the territory. No sense getting bent out of shape about it because it won’t change the fact that my services are needed. If I react in an unseemly manner about the delayed notification, it opens the door to me being made into the “bad guy”. It happens all the time in healthcare. Don’t get me started. I can’t get out if it, so it’s time to figure out how to make the most of it.

My wife and I decided to turn this little surprise into an opportunity to get out of town for a few days. The court thing should only take a few hours. That should give us plenty of time to hang out and regroup. We always seem to have a lot going on. Right now she is working diligently to get The Tea Party Barn ready to open. This will give her an opportunity to hit some shops along the way to get more teacups, teapots, plates, etc. I don’t have as great of an appreciation for teapots and the like as she does, but I love spending time with her, so it’s a win-win.

We took it slow getting there and racked up along the way. We found great deals for the things that we needed and some that we didn't. We were able to do some serious planning without constant distractions and interruptions during the drive. It was a very fruitful day. We had two more shops to hit once we arrived at our destination. As we were pulling into town, I got a phone call from the district attorney. It seems that due to some type of shenanigans or another, a mistrial was declared and the case was going to have to be re-evaluated for trial at a later date. Worked for me. My one request was that he contact me directly if he caught wind that my services were going to be required in the future.

We headed back home the next morning refreshed and looking forward to our next opportunity to get away together.

Have you ever had to respond to a short notice subpoena?

If so, how did you handle it?

“My mama always said, life was like a box a chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

- Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks)

“Life is not like a box of chocolates. A box of chocolates is all good. I mean, it would be like a box of chocolates if there was a(n) occasional turd.” 

- Bill Maher

“Whatever life may send your way - make the best of it. Don't waste your time and energy worrying about it. Instead, find a way to do something about it. Learn from it, adjust to it, be strong, be flexible and be your best in every situation.”

- Les Brown


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