Homestead Dentistry

On the homestead, you need the confidence and inner calm to deal with all kinds of issues. Never having done something before and really having absolutely no knowledge about the topic at hand would be a foolish reason not to give it a try anyhow. Can I get an Amen?

If one were to take a cursory look at the picture above, one might get the impression that the little fellow had a few fillings done by the local dentist. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Behold my creation! In the true tradition of MacGyver, I fashioned those beauties myself with aluminum foil, a pocket knife, a hot glue gun and a blow dryer. Maybe not perfect, but certainly good enough. I mean, it’s only a matter of time until they’re going to be ready to pull anyhow, right?

Ok, fine… Maybe those shiny decay caps aren’t my handy work after all. I tried my best to keep the little fella calm. No matter how soothingly I spoke, when I told him to close his eyes while I made my approach with the molten glue gun in hand, he completely flipped out. We’re raising a generation of weenies!

The truth is, my dental experience is mostly limited to the glorious world of extractions. I am the self proclaimed tooth puller of our household. Not an elected position. More of a dictatorship. Just ask my kids and watch for that tell-tale eye twitch of PTSD. Below is an example of one of the techniques that I have devised to facilitate the removal of redundant dentition. Patent pending…

Who is in charge of handling loose teeth in your home?

What is the most unusual or creative extraction technique that you have seen or heard of?

“Because Some Tortures Are Physical And Some Are Mental, But The One That Is Both Is Dental.”

-Ogden Nash


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