Media Manipulation And Our Perpetually “Gaslit” and “Triggered” Society

Peace. Tranquility. Harmony. These are among the common goals of homesteaders that I would venture to say are nearly universal. Rather than focusing on people’s differences, we look for common ground. Rather than escalating tense situations, we look to diffuse them. Rather than being harsh and judgmental, we seek to be tolerant and forgiving. Don’t get me wrong. We are not Shrinking Violets. We are not weak or afraid of conflict. We just chose to not treat every issue as if it is a hill worth dying over. We chose the path of patience, kindness and inclusiveness. Admittedly, some times it’s easier than others. Noone is perfect and some people truly deserve a good throat punch or Chuck Norris style round house kick to the head.

What are some of the obstacles that you have to navigate to ensure you are not robbed of your peace, mental health and general sense of well being? What are some of the stressors that provoke apprehension and chip away at your contentment? Are they avoidable? If the stressors are not avoidable, are there ways that you can train yourself to respond differently to them?

The first example that comes to my mind is the ubiquitous influence of the media. The outlets that we rely on to stay informed. Headlines are used to create a stir and acquire views. Hyperbole. Vivid, explosive language. Authors rely on sensationalism, creating division and fanning the smoldering embers of hate to capture people’s attention and keep them engaged. In the online world, a view is a view is a view and the cost is irrelevant to some. Even if the cost is “triggering” susceptible members of the readership to their breaking point.

People are deliberately manipulated. We are constantly bombarded with gloom and doom. Articles are designed to piss us off and make us uncomfortable. We are provoked, antagonized and cajoled. It comes from all sides. It is probably more obvious when the perspective is contrary to your beliefs, but it is employed by all sides in an equal opportunity manner. There is actual research that demonstrates thresholds at which agitating people promotes engagement and factors that lead to their disengagement. The navy instigator knows exactly how far they can push you before they lose you. Have no doubt that this knowledge is fully leveraged.

As to the intent of those in the media, it is probably largely amoral. Not inherently good or evil. The only agenda is stimulating and capturing attention. It is a business and their success is tied to maximizing their exposure via the various algorithms that their specific type of media are subject to. Clicks lead to advertisement exposure, and ads lead to revenue. The livelihood of the authors and their outlets are completely dependent on the stir that they generate.

Beware though. It isn’t all benign exaggeration and “click bait”. Lies are told. Agendas are pushed. People are slandered and black listed. Groups are demonized and marginalized unjustly. And the false reports are rarely if ever corrected and apologies are few and far between.

Personally, I greatly value peace and tranquility. I also feel that it is our responsibility to try to understand what is going on in the world. Could these two be more at odds? Can the two be reconciled? It is crucial to understand the system and recognize things for what they are. We should arm ourselves with the knowledge necessary to prevent ourselves from being manipulated. Steer clear of the path to strife, anxiety and angst. Understand the game and don’t let yourself get played. Learn to recognize when it’s getting to you and step away.

What are some ways that you stay informed? Does it cause you anxiety? Do you recognize bias as readily when it supports your point of view as you do when it is contrary?

“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”

– Rudyard Kipling

“Whoever Controls The Media, Controls The Mind.”

-Jim Morrison


The Enduring Wisdom of Chumbawamba


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